Berry Bros. & Rudd

Williamson 2013 11 Years old #210 Coasts & Shores

ABV: 59.3% 70 cL

Williamson comes from the spectacularly rocky Kildalton shoreline on the southern tip of Islay, known for its rugged beauty and iconic Scotch whiskies. Islay is part of the Inner Hebrides, a group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean and home to some of the most iconic, recognisable flavours in the world of whisky. 

This Williamson has been matured for 11 years in a single Hogshead, with the Moscatel influence producing a lingering sweetness to the whisky. Bottled at natural cask strength of 59.3% ABV, without chill filtration or artificial colouring. 

Only 308 Bottles have been produced.


Muscovado sugar melds with the rich, heady sweetness of dried fruits, while a delicate zest of lime cuts through, adding a fresh, citrus notes.


Reveals dark treacle, succulent raisins, and bold, smoky peat.


Long and warming, with the Moscatel influence leaving a lingering sweetness that dances on the tongue.


Tax included.

  • 20 In stock
  • REGION: Islay
  • DISTILLERY: Laphroaig (Williamson)
  • WHISKY TYPE: Single Malt
  • CASK TYPE: Hogshead
  • CASK NUMBER: 210
  • OUTRUN: 308 Bottles
  • BOTTLING COMPANY: Berry Bros. & Rudd